Subodh's Ruminations


A collection of posts on (bio)statistics and whatever else comes up

14 August 2020

Website, Day 1

Written by Subodh Selukar

I thought it was about time I added content to the internet rather than simply consuming it. I spend far too much time on Reddit and Netflix, while I kept ideas in the back of my head for things I might want to share with others.

What finally pushed me to actually do this was a presentation by John Graham Jr. during an internship at Amgen. His statement that “having no social media is a statement in itself” was particularly moving.

I intend to use this website as a place to present various “tutorials” (more like “musings”) on (bio)statistics but may also include more social/personal blog posts as well. I don’t imagine that my technical posts will be revolutionary - my instructors have almost always done a superlative job at packaging information - but I want to share my views and learn along the way.

Many thanks to GitHub, the Jekyll project, the creators of the minimal theme and also the authors of the tutorials I read: Jonathan McGlone, Sharath and Amanda Visconti.

tags: personal
Categories: Personal